我们的清洁 & 卫生澳博官方网站 & 环境

清洁, 安全 environments are crucial to maintaining the productivity and wellbeing of your customers and employees.

我们为自己提供英国最广泛的自助清洁澳博官方网站而感到自豪, 向我们的客户保证他们的环境非常干净, 通过卓越的物有所值的澳博官方网站,提高他们的表现, 认知与声誉.


我们的专家团队为商业和工业厨房提供彻底的厨房深度清洁, removing the germs and bacteria that accumulate in grease deposits around the kitchen and food preparation space to ensure all areas of your kitchen meet strict legislation.

除了我们的厨房深度清洁,我们还提供管道清洁澳博官方网站,可以去除污垢, 这些管道里的碎片和易燃物质, prolonging the equipment’s life and ensuring your kitchen remains compliant with government legislation.


是零售业和物流业的重点区域, 我们为客户提供支持,确保他们的冷藏设施继续运作.

在这些温度控制的环境中, 多亏了里面物品的性质, 只有使用特定的清洁产品才能不破坏或影响它们.

利用专业产品, 我们训练有素的清洁人员保持这些重要设施的安全和无菌.


通过精确的方法, 我们的生物技术人员在无尘室里清洁所有表面, 包括天花板和地板, 确保所有表面都适合环境.

实现特定产品, our teams utilise strong antibacterial agents to ensure the maximum removal of bacteria and particles. 确保正确使用, our bio科技nicians are all trained and tested in a practice environment before being permitted to undertake work inside a cleanroom environment.


在实验室环境中产生的产品和化学品可能特别敏感, 通常需要一个清洁程度远远超过通常标准的环境. 因此, 实验室环境的清洁尤为重要, requiring a meticulous process to ensure that areas meet the strict requirements needed to conduct work on site.

通过精确的方法, Mitie生物技术人员清洁实验室的所有表面, 包括天花板和地板, 确保所有表面都适合环境. 实现特定产品, our teams utilise strong antibacterial agents to ensure the maximum removal of bacteria and particles.


我们理解在食品和卫生领域, 当涉及到清洁时,QHSE和卫生标准对业务至关重要. 我们的生活安全标准确保我们始终把每一位客户的健康和安全放在第一位. We deliver high quality solutions in the 安全st possible way and always adhere to Lean Six Sigma competencies to continuously improve operational efficiencies.

我们的管理团队在食品标准方面拥有丰富的专业知识, ensuring that wherever we have an interaction with food 卫生 we work based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), 符合现行法规、清洁和生产要求.


里面装有各种电子设备, 必须使用正确的设备和产品. 通过我们训练有素的专家, 我们自己提供数据中心的详细清理, 使用非静电产品, 以确保他们面对没有停机时间,由于积累的灰尘和污垢.

世界比以往任何时候都更加依赖科技, 数据变得越来越强大, 维护这些关键地点对国家的运作至关重要, 保持他们的清白是当务之急.


Mitie清洁 & 卫生是该国最大的清洁供应商之一. 我们为在英国提供最广泛的自助清洁澳博官方网站而感到自豪.

洗手间是你工作环境的重要组成部分,可能比你意识到的还要重要. 你的洗手间充分说明了你的组织及其卫生标准, 可能会影响人们对你公司的看法. 提供一个干净的, pleasant and 安全 washroom is one of the most important cleaning rituals for your company to maintain.

在Mitie,我们提供以需求为导向、澳博官方网站优化和智能的洗手间管理. 通过实时跟踪洗手间的使用情况, 我们能够确定何时需要清洗, 以及当时需要注意哪些特定的设施. 为了达到这个目的, 我们追溯安装,费用自理, 通过我们对卓越的投资, 一种革命性的PIR(被动红外传感器)系统,与智能物联网中心相连. 这个简单不显眼的信标记录了一天中洗手间的使用情况和人流量. 这些数据随后被发送到我们的网络系统, which triggers a text message to our staff that directs their attention and resources to the area in which it is most needed.

为员工保持一个干净的工作场所不仅可以创造一个更健康的工作环境, 还能明显提高员工的工作效率, 增加动力,鼓舞士气.

We deliver comprehensive office cleaning services to help you create an exceptional environment for your employees that enables them to deliver their best work.

我们为所有类型的办公设施提供这些澳博官方网站, 从高街银行网点到大规模的多站点运营, 还有100万平方英尺. ft. 加上蓝筹股和公共部门的单个站点. In every situation individual business requirements can be significantly different in each building and location, 从历史性的完成到最先进的设计, 我们广泛的技能和经验使我们能够为所有需求提供解决方案.

Our cleaning experts and 行业-leading solutions can ensure all your IT equipment is cleaned and decontaminated effectively without disruption to employee productivity or interference with operation, 确保这些设备可以继续成为您业务的技术支柱.

IT设备或个人电话,确保其设备已消毒. 由于大流行,您所在位置的接触点表面面临着比以往任何时候都更加严格的审查. 确保高接触区域的安全是现在的首要问题, 然而, 一个可能被忽视的领域是自动取款机. 无论是内部还是外部, 对于您的同事和公众来说,自动取款机仍然是一个繁忙的区域, 有时充当客户和您所在位置之间的唯一联系点. 与多个用户在快速连续, keeping ATMs clean and sanitised to prevent cross-infection is a critical element of a comprehensive cleaning solution.

我们的专业团队遍布英国,确保您场所内的任何自动取款机保持清洁, 安全, 和保护, giving reassurance that you have taken all necessary steps to protect your colleagues and the public.

我们提供专业的高压喷射清洗澳博官方网站, 具有可变压力,以满足所有建筑和材料类型, 从更精致的澳博官方网站到受保护的建筑.

All of our cleaning professionals receive thorough training for all of our pressure processes and equipment, equipping them with the relevant knowledge to deal with the varying buildings and surfaces they will encounter, 并向你们保证你们的房屋和财产都在安全的人手中.

Our skilled and dedicated self-delivery window cleaning teams use 行业 leading methods to achieve the highest quality and 安全ty driven results.

我们提供多种窗户清洁选择,包括传统的窗户清洁,到达 & 洗涤系统(利用一根杆子,将纯净水输送到末端的刷子上), 吊绳(也被称为“绳索通道”),由训练有素的专家执行,移动高架工作平台(MEWP), 和摇篮清洁(利用一个悬挂的摇篮下降到建筑物的表面).

我们对最新设备的持续投资和新技术的使用, 现在,我们80%的商业窗户清洁工作都是通过无梯清洁进行的, 访问系统占15%, 只有5%的人使用传统的梯子式工程.

我们是ROSPA工作场所健康和安全金奖的多次获奖者, a testament to our ability to provide outstanding cleaning service whilst maintaining the health and wellbeing of our colleagues.

我们有/ 2,500 colleagues qualified to work at height and conduct a wide range of cleaning services across multiple sectors.

我们训练有素的同事提供解决方案,包括建造和过程委托清理, 太阳能电池板(PV)清洁, 排水沟和屋顶, 内部和外部中庭, 包层和砌砖以及高层窗户清洁.

高水平的清洁工作总是需要训练有素的专家, 我们很自豪能够自行提供解决方案. 通过专家管理和精心规划, we ensure all our work at height is conducted in line with 行业 best practice and is compliant with all required legislation.

作为内部配送澳博官方网站, 地毯清洁是全面清洁解决方案中最重要的要素之一, 地毯上经常有污垢, 细菌或过敏原,如果不及时治疗,可能是有害的.

We provide a variety of specialised carpet cleaning services that are tailored to the specific needs of your business and your carpets, 包括洗头, 臭虫封装, 热水萃取, 也是最可持续的选择, 蒸汽清洗.

我们为所有类型的办公设施提供这些澳博官方网站, 从高街银行网点到大规模的多站点运营, 还有100万平方英尺. ft. 加上蓝筹股和公共部门的单个站点.

经常被遗忘在清洁的世界里, 停车场是顾客对你的第一印象, 第一印象很重要.

不管是难看的涂鸦, 丢弃的口香糖, 或者油渍, our car park cleaning professionals come equipped with years of experience in outdoor cleaning practices to maintain the appearance of your car parks. 除了, maintaining these important revenue streams can be crucial to attract customers and ensure return visits.

不管是独立的停车场, 多层, 地方议会, 或购物中心需要全面的停车场清洁澳博官方网站, 我们有专门的人员, 专业知识, 以及帮助你维护它们的设备.

一项经常具有挑战性的任务, our experts have access to a wide range of specialist products and solutions to assist with biohazard clean ups. 从安全处置和清理针头和用具, 铁路事故和事故后的清理工作, 我们的专家知道如何敏感地处理各种情况.

Safety to the public and our people is paramount which is why anyone working in our biohazard cleaning teams is supplied with all the correct PPE, 适当的生物危害清洁产品和设备,以确保其安全, whilst simultaneously having open conversations to ensure they are fully aware of the types of situations they may be required to assist with and are comfortable delivering these services.

在这种情况下,谨慎而有效地清洁是困难的, but our highly-trained operatives ensure a comprehensive clean is delivered effectively to ensure normal service can be resumed as soon as possible.

With the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns resulting in more and more premises being unoccupied for extended periods of time, the risk of 工作场所s and properties being subjected to unwanted vandalism and graffiti has never been greater, with unsightly imagery and messaging potentially causing significant damage to a business’ 认知与声誉.

在不伤害底层表面的情况下,要安全地清除涂鸦是非常麻烦的. 我们的专家团队配备了各种解决方案, 包括需要更细致触摸的区域的低压系统, 清除涂鸦,无论其材质或表面如何.

受铁路网信任, our experts ensure that any unsightly graffiti is swiftly removed without disrupting your business and operations.

我们有技术高超的特工提供脱衣舞 & seal solutions protecting your floor from scuffs and marks that can accumulate from regular use and in high-traffic areas. Deep cleaning the floor’s surface before applying a coat of sealer that protects the flooring beneath from the wear and tear of everyday use, 我们的胶带和密封解决方案可以极大地改善地板的状况和外观.


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